GunMag Warehouse is proud to announce the exclusive availability of AR15 Lancer Advanced Warfighter Magazines in Olive Drab Green (ODG). Available in 10-, 20-, and 30-round versions, these Lancer OD Green mags feature:
• Hardened steel feed lips
• Impact resistant polymer body
• Steel-topped magazine catch
• Non-tilt follower
• Constant curve internal geometry
• a Stainless Steel spring
• Aggressive texturing on the body for a positive grip
• Slim body design
The Lancer OD Green Advanced Warfighter Magazine may be purchased in:

In addition to Lancer OD Green mags, many of these magazines can be purchased in other colors: black, smoke, flat dark earth, translucent red, blaze orange, and translucent dark earth are all options, though it is increasingly difficult to keep them in stock. Availability will vary with demand.

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